Legal information on this website

This website is an offer from:
Lanzell Spezialtransporte GmbH & Co.KG
Eltzbachweg 24 
D-12681 Berlin

NL. Herzbergstr. 74 - 76 10365 Berlin

Phone: 030 / 540 6992
Fax: 030 / 543 4927
UStIDNr.: DE286114210

Responsible for content according to §10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Lanzell Spezialtransporte GmbH & Co.KG

Commercial register: HRA 47666B
Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Holder of an EU licence for cross-border commercial road haulage (Licence no. D-11-001-G-16506)
Competent supervisory authority
Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten
Referat Fahrerlaubnis, Personen- und Güterbeförderung
Puttkamerstr. 16 – 18
D-10969 Berlin

Certified waste management company and member of Entsorgungsgemeinschaft Abfall Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Competent supervisory authority
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Entsorgung
Brückenstr. 6
D-10179 Berlin
Certificate number: 120707EB

Carrier number
Competent supervisory authority
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Entsorgung
Brückenstr. 6
D-10179 Berlin

General terms and conditions (DE) (PDF)
Contractual conditions for road haulage, forwarding and logistics companies (PDF)

Link to the platform for online dispute resolution of the European Commission 

Images, videos, texts

The images, texts and other contents of this website are subject to copyright and may not be used in any form as illustrations for They may not be used in any form as illustrations for websites, printed matter, logos, etc. without express authorisation.

Picture credits

"Laborumzug" - © Alexander Raths / Fotolia, "LKW Sonnenuntergang" - © lassedesignen / Fotolia, "Kontakt" - © Alex/ Fotolia, "Tresor" - © vloenerjung / Fotolia, "Privatumzug" - © virtua73 / Fotolia, "Klavier" - © arsdigital/ Fotolia, "Papierstapel" - © Nomad_Soul / Fotolia, "Terminal" - © Sven Bähren / Fotolia, "Maschinentransport" - © Rainer / Fotolia, "Zahnarztsessel" - © aquarius83men / Fotolia, "Montage" - © Pavel Losevsky / Fotolia, "Lebenslauf" - © Butch / Fotolia, "Archivumzug" - © Gina Sanders / Fotolia

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